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Opinion / Satisfaction survey

Opinion and satisfaction survey is a process aimed at determining the level of employees’ satisfaction and obtaining feedback on various aspects of the company’s operation. The survey is anonymous, which allows employees to freely express their opinions. The process enables the Team to get involved in planning and implementing positive changes in the organization.


Pursued objectives

  • Identification of the organization’s strengths and problem areas as seen from the employees’ perspective.
  • Strengthening employees’ identification with the company by referring to their personal experience.
  • Identifying the main factors influencing employee motivation and (dis-)satisfaction.
  • Preventing employee turnover.
  • Defining areas and directions of actions which can shape positive change and increase employee engagement.
  • Ultimately: increasing the effectiveness of management, information flow and internal communication.

What can we do for you?

  • We will audit the research tools (questionnaires, surveys) used in your company. We will advise you on what to change, develop, and what you should abandon.
  • We will design our own BOiSP questionnaire, adjusted to the specifics of your organization, its values and strategic goals.
  • We will develop a communication strategy for the BOiSP process in your organization, advise you on how to prepare the team to conduct the survey.
  • We will conduct BOiSP in your company maintaining the highest confidentiality standards, with the use of modern Internet tools.
  • We will prepare the results of the process (quantitatively, statistically) in a form of collective report and / or partial reports, taking into account your expectations regarding the scope, data presentation formula, graphic design, etc.
  • We will prepare a qualitative study of BOiSP results, formulate conclusions and recommend effective instructions for development activities in your company.
  • We will support the communication of the survey results within your organization, help you prepare and conduct employee meetings aimed at implementing positive changes (focus groups).

How can you benefit from cooperating with us?

  • You will prepare a starting point for improvement of the quality and efficiency of management in your company.
  • You will identify the main problem areas and plan appropriate corrective actions.
  • You will identify the main factors motivating and demotivating your employees.
  • You will obtain the Team’s support for the changes planned in your organization.
  • You will reduce employee turnover by strengthening their commitment and identification with the company.
  • In the case of periodic surveys you will verify the effects of development actions taken and identify further areas worth improving.

What makes us unique?

  • We know how to conduct information campaign in order to obtain the highest response rate (70 – 90%), we provide our Clients with online survey response rate monitor. We analyze the questionnaire from the semantic perspective, and verify its accuracy and reliability. Throughout the survey period we provide participants with dedicated e-mail and telephone Help Desk.
  • We ensure the highest standard of confidentiality and security of the process. We do not share personal information related to specific survey responses even at the explicit request of the organization. We take care of proper communication of the process.
  • We conduct the survey using traditional methods (paper-and-pencil) or through our proprietary online platform. While preparing the questionnaire, we base on the solutions functioning in the organization or we design it from scratch. We adjust the graphic design of the questionnaire and reports to the Client’s standards.
  • We invite representatives of HR and Business to cooperate in determining the main areas covered by the BOiSP, so that we can be sure that the target questionnaire covers the issues that are the most important to them. After survey completion, we conduct and moderate meetings with employees (focus groups), during which we work out plans of corrective actions addressing the defined problem areas. 

Order a sample of the BOiSP summary report!